I just have a few random pictures so I thought I'd post a life here the past few weeks. First, the Doodlebug thinks he's this guy from the movie Ratatouille:
So the Doodle has this little plastic lion that he carries around and calls Little Chef. I guess because it has whiskers like a rat? Anyway, Craig made him this chef's hat from posterboard. The Doodle keeps the Little Chef in his hat. It's mildly hilarious.
Now Lady Frances. I post this picture even though her eyes are closed for two reasons. One, because she insisted on wearing this ensemble all day, including at the dinner table. Two, her eyes are closed because she is preparing to jump. Which she did, off of the rim of the wagon. I don't know how it didn't turn over on top of her.
Here they are at the zoo last week:
What else? We were driving the other day when Craig turned around and looked at Atticus sitting there in his carseat, serious as can be, wearing the chef's hat (yes, I know). Craig laughs, saying, "He looks like the pope...or a priest...whoever it is that wears those hats." Atticus says, "What's a BEAST? I look like a beast?"
As for Franny-bug, she loves to ride the elevator at the museum, but she calls it the alligator. As in, "Mommy, we went up in the Alligator today." And she insists on wearing her brother's underwear. You know, because they have Thomas the Train on them. Sooo much cooler than her own. She'll love that story someday.
That's adorable!!!! I love that she shuts her eyes to jump. Seems like a great plan. And her preference for boy underwear. :)