Saturday, May 28, 2011

Are you ready, Boots?

So Craig and I are putting Atticus to bed, and I offer to sing a song with him before he goes to sleep. Which one do you want to sing, Atticus? You are my Sunshine? I've Been Working on the Railroad? Somewhere over the Rainbow?

He looks at me and says, "The boots song."

What? Craig and I have no idea.

"You know, the Boots Song...and walking...dum-dum-dum..."

I die laughing. "These Boots are made for Walkin?"

His face lights up. He has been wearing his rainboots around the house which prompted Craig and I to start singing that the other day. Little did we know it would go on the lullaby list.

Craig ended up pulling up the Nancy Sinatra video on youtube and letting Atticus watch it. Atticus was absolutely enthralled. Craig says, "I can't believe this video has 2 million views. 2 million people have actually watched this video?"

I would be surprised if a single one of those 2 million people were watching it at the express request of their two year old.

If anyone doesn't know the song I'm talking about:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mud Puddle

Tonight we let the kids go splashing in the backyard.

My serious boy had fun, but he was concerned about getting mud on himself. However, Franny...let's just say that she rocked that mud puddle.

We're talking shrieking with delight, spinning and stomping, hair flying, falling on her bottom in the mud, yelling "fun! fun!" the whole time....

Time to go inside:

Atticus said, "Whoa! I need a towel!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sweet Little Ladybug

My sweet girl is a year and a half old. Her current favorite word is "too," as in "me too." She wants to do everything the rest of us do. Outside too...milk too...walk toooo... She is adding so many new words a day that I can't keep up. She is really able to express herself and it is so fun to see what is going on inside her little head. She has a silly sense of humor and is full of fun and laughs, but she has a short fuse and lets off a loud screech when something happens she doesn't like.

She adores all animals and goes crazy over every.single. dog or cat or horse we see. She catches bugs and brings them to us proudly. She eats pretty much anything and feeds herself well. Her favorites are cheese and anything that involves dipping (vinaigrette, ketchup, soy sauce...) She is convinced the letter "A" is for "Bubba!" (because we tried to teach her A is for Atticus...) She has a pretty good handle on the rest of the alphabet though.

It is fascinating to see so much sweet and ornery wrapped up in one little person. We love you, Ladybug! Happy year-and-a-half.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Craft Projects

Today I'm camped out on the couch, studying. (Thanks, Nana and Papa!) Just taking a quick break to post a few pictures.

The kids made their own Easter baskets this year from some stuff we had laying around the house. We did it after we finished dying eggs. First, we cut the bottoms off of two oatmeal canisters and painted them.

Then we just stuck scraps of construction paper onto the wet paint to decorate. Atticus did his all by himself, but we obviously helped Franny with hers while she did some fingerpainting. We poked holes in the sides and ran ribbon through for handles. They were the perfect size for little people hunting eggs.

By the way, we were worried about Atticus picking up all the eggs before Franny-bug had time to find any, but we shouldn't have been! She totally held her own in the Easter Egg Hunt.

Yesterday, there was a garage sale around the corner, so I walked over while the kids were napping. I picked up some pretty hideous framed pictures for $2. We emptied out the frames and painted them black. (When I say "we," I mean my awesome husband, obviously.) Then I framed some of the Doodlebug's artwork and hung it in his room.

Here is a watercolor titled "Helicopter and Boat."

This one is called "Dinosaur Teeth." (His names, I swear!)
He was excited about hanging them in his room.

Oh! One more picture of the Doodle holding his new second cousin Judah on Easter. His face is absolutely glowing with joy. He was blown away over getting to hold such a tiny baby. Hopefully they will have many fun years of cousin-ship ahead of them.