Monday, August 1, 2011


I was in no hurry to move Franny-bug to a toddler bed.  She was going down easily and sleeping through the night.  Therefore, had she been content to sleep in her crib until age four, that would have been fine with me.  Not with her, though, so here we are.  

We moved her about a week ago.  Overall, the transition has gone smoothly.  We put a gate on the door, and decided to follow the "room = crib" philosophy.  That is, we aren't trying to make her stay in her bed, we just shut the gate and leave her in her room like we would have left her in the crib.  If she cries, we come to the door but don't go inside.  She fussed a little while the first few nights, but now she just plays around, opens her door a few times, and then gets in bed and goes to sleep when she gets tired.  

The Big Girl Room:

 We found the toddler bed on craigslist.  The big bed belonged to her great-great-grandmother, and we are keeping it in her room as a spare bed for now, and she'll use it when she gets big enough.  It is nice to have in there to cuddle on with the kids while we are reading stories. 

My little Fashionista:   

Pretty much every day, Frances wants to wear some combination of this pink polka-dot hand-me-down jacket, plaid thrift store hat, and green froggy rainboots (not pictured).  I put her in this little red-shorts, white shirt outfit, and five minutes later, she comes into the kitchen like this (you can tell she put on the sandals herself).

I also wanted to post a few pictures of this cool free children's museum my friend Mendy and I took the kids to last week.  It was amazing.  They have whole little turn-of-the-century play town, with a dry goods shop, bank, jail, train station, and house.  They have clothes for the kids to dress up in and lots of props.  Here's the Doodle in the bank:

And Franny-bug enjoying some "lunch" with Renna and Regan:

Keep your fingers crossed for us that she keeps up the good sleeping!

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